Monday, July 23, 2007

Kombiuta cia cieroinĩ cia $100 nĩ ikwambĩrĩria gũturwo

Kombiuta cia cĩeroinĩ (laptop computers) cia $100 irorete kwambĩrĩria gũturwo na mwĩhoko nĩ atĩ nĩ igũkinyĩra ciana cia mabũrũri marĩa marakũra gũgĩkinya mweri wa Kĩhu gĩa Kerĩ, 2007.

Rĩciria rĩa gũthondeka kombiuta ici cia cieroinĩ rĩambĩrĩirio nĩ Professor Negroponte mwaka wa 2002.

Kombiuta ici cigwakwo ũndũ itarĩingĩragia maĩ raithi kana rũkũngũ, ũndũ irĩhũthĩraga hinya wa riũwa nĩ guo ithomeke, na ũndũ ingĩhũthĩrwo irathiinĩ kana nja. Na njĩra nguhĩ, kombiuta ici no ihũthĩke icagiinĩ na matũũrainĩ o na matarĩ na thitima.

Kinyagia ũmũthĩ kombiuta ici irakwo na $176, no muoroto wa thuthainĩ nĩ kũhota gũcienderia thirikari cia mabũrũri marĩa marakũra $100.

Kambuni ĩrĩa ĩtongoretie ũturi ũyũ wa kombiuta cia ciana ĩretwo Kombiuta Ĩmwe ya Kĩeroinĩ kwa Mwana Wothe (One Laptop per Child (OLPC))

O na gũtuĩka rĩciria rĩa Professor Negroponte nĩ rĩega mũno na no rĩteithie ciana ciothe cia thĩ ng’ima, nĩ rĩkoretwo rĩkĩhũrwo nĩ makambuni hamwe na andũ aingĩ arĩa matarendaga ũturi wa kombiuta ici wambĩrĩrie, na makĩria kambuni ya Intel, no rĩu haro ĩyo ĩroneka ta ĩrĩkĩtie gũthira na nĩ kĩo ũturi wa kombiuta ici werekeire kwambĩrĩria kahinda gatarĩ cĩhĩ.

Muoroto wa Professor Negroponte nĩ gũturithia kombiuta cia cieroinĩ mirioni magana na gũcitambia gwĩ ciana cia mabũrũri marĩa marakũra tũturiinĩ tuothe twa thĩ. Rĩciria rĩake nĩ rĩnyitĩtwo mbaru nĩ atongoria amwe a Abirika, na makĩria ũrĩa ũrarĩ Mwandĩkĩ Mũnene wa UN, Kofi Annan.


Blogger jessie said...

Hello, I was just wondering if your blog is written in Kikuyu.
Further, if it is,if you know of any resources/text books, websites etc. that you could go to to learn Kikuyu? I am a nurse working in Kenya and I work with mostly Kikuyu and I would like to communicate better, thanks!

July 31, 2007 11:56 PM  
Blogger Gatua wa Mbũgwa said...

Thanks for asking. Yes, this blog is written in Gĩgĩkũyũ. There are many Gĩgĩkũyũ text books in Kenya (try Book Point on Moi Avenue). As for websites, here is one for you:

Thank you once again.

August 01, 2007 1:13 AM  

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